5 Reasons Your Website Is Your Best Salesperson


your website is your sales personOne of the biggest problems business owners and executives have during the web design process is thinking about their websites as websites. That might sound like a riddle, but it’s actually a reminder that your website has a more important job than simply sitting online and bringing in visitors – it should be a good sales tool, too.

 In fact, your website should be your company’s best sales performer. If you object to that statement, or doubt its accuracy, then consider these five reasons why your website has to do a good job of selling to be effective:

1. Your website is always selling. 

It’s unfortunate that you can’t have your company’s best salesperson in front of a prospect at the exact moment when they’re thinking about buying something from you. Your website is always open and available, though, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It doesn’t matter what the weather is doing, or if it’s a holiday… your website is always open for business.

2. Your website always delivers the right pitch.

The better a salesperson is, the more consistent they are going to be in explaining the benefits of your products or services to other people. Even the very best in the business aren’t perfect, though. Your website, on the other hand, can deliver a perfect pitch every single time (assuming you’ve got good copywriting and visuals to work with).

3. Your website can do things salespeople can’t.

It would be hard for a salesperson to move instantaneously into a multimedia pitch, provide references for every fact or study they use in the sales process, or gather together the latest testimonials from happy buyers in a few seconds. Your website can do all of these things for multiple prospects at once without breaking a sweat.

4. Your website can handle more prospects without asking for a raise.

Speaking of multiple prospects, one big problem with having a star salesperson is that there is only so much of his or her time and attention to go around. If they get overwhelmed because your marketing is successful, then you have to start recruiting and hiring all over again – a process that can be time-consuming and expensive. Your website actually gets more efficient as people use it more and more. It doesn’t cost you anything extra to have lots of visitors, but you get a lot more in return.

5. Your website is the perfect team player.

While live salespeople can (understandably) sometimes be a bit touchy about sharing leads and commissions, your website doesn’t have any hang-ups about being a team player. If you want it to finish a sale on its own, that’s fine; if you’d rather have your website spread information and gather leads before passing them on to a different member of your sales team, that’s fine, too.

 When it comes down to it, your website simply handles a number of different sales tasks that a real live person would struggle to. It’s always on, has more capabilities, and is more efficient. So, if your company’s website isn’t doing a great job of sales, now is the perfect time to ask yourself why.


Or better yet, if you have a website project get in touch with us and let us start finding the answers you need.


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