7 Proven Tips for Generating Great Web Content

tips for developing great website contentHaving unique and persuasive web content is essential to your online marketing success. That’s because what you write helps you to attract visitors from Google, to differentiate yourself from the competition, and to turn visits into customers.

However, writing web content isn’t something most business owners are incredibly comfortable with. To help out, we turned to a veteran copywriter who has finished hundreds of websites for small businesses and Fortune 500 firms. Here is the advice he had to offer business owners who are struggling with their content.

#1 Write for a Specific Person

If you’re having trouble getting started with your web content, a good trick is to think about having your perfect customer sit right in front of you. Then, start thinking about things you would want them to know about your business. By writing for a specific person, you can make it easier to sharpen your thoughts and bring your most important marketing points forward.

#2 Organize Your Thoughts Into Small Blocks

No one likes to read huge blocks of text, and writing them isn’t a lot of fun, either. So, you can begin your web content creation process by organizing your thoughts into specific tips or points (like the list we’ve used in this article, for example). That will make it easier for you to separate your ideas and get them into a format a reader can understand.

#3 Emphasize Ideas Over Jargon

The point of your web content is to get key concepts across rather than to obscure them. Knowing that, make a point of emphasizing your message rather than technical terms, jargon, or industry acronyms. Think about what an average visitor might know about your business when they first arrive on your website and then speak to that level of understanding.

#4 Write, Edit, and Proofread Separately

Writing, editing, and proofreading should be three separate and distinct jobs. When you’re writing, your goal is to get ideas onto pages. During editing, you can refine your thoughts and make them more readable. Finally, it’s a good idea to have someone else help you with proofreading so they can see errors, mistakes, and typos you might not catch on your own.

#5 Use Compelling Titles and Images

Your content isn’t finished when you’re done writing. One of your last steps is to ensure your pages are accompanied by active titles and images. These are what draw readers in, so don’t miss out on your big chance to have your content seen and digested by your customers.

#6 Have Two Goals When You Write

Generally speaking, you should always have two goals in mind when you start writing anything for your website. The first is to inform potential buyers about an important topic. The second is to persuade them to take the next step with your company, like placing an order or signing up for an email newsletter.

#7 Keep Practicing

Finally, it’s important to remember that writing gets better as you do it more and more often. So, even if you’re struggling to put sentences together when you begin, know that it will become more of a skill and habit as you go along.

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