Does Your Business Need A Mobile-First Web Design?

If you’re thinking about getting a new website for your business, or just check out the occasional article on internet marketing, then you have probably already heard about the trend towards “mobile-first” web design. And, you might be wondering whether it’s something you need.

To find the right answer to that question, you first have to understand what mobile-first web design is all about. Essentially, it’s just a recognition that in 2018 mobile phone and tablet users make up more than half of all internet traffic. Industry forecasters estimate that two-thirds or more of all web surfers will be using mobile devices by the end of 2020. Knowing that, it can make sense to simply design your business website with mobile users as your first priority instead of simply making your layout and content compatible smaller screens.

In other words, mobile-first web design is all about assuming your customers will be coming to your pages via phones and tablets. That doesn’t mean your site won’t work with traditional laptop and desktop computers, of course, just that your focus is on mobile functionality and conversions.

So, if mobile users are a majority now and will make up a bigger majority in the future, does it make sense to embrace the mobile-first trend? Here are a few questions you should ask yourself – or better yet, talk through with your web design team – before making a final decision…

Who Visits Your Website?

This is the most important question surrounding mobile-first web design and the one that should drive all of your biggest online marketing decisions. When you know what kinds of buyers are coming to your website, and what they want from your company, you can make good choices that will pay big dividends.

For instance, if you have a B2B services company and know that your customers are mainly engineers working from large desktop computers, mobile functionality might not be a huge priority for you. Alternatively, if you have a small retail shop that mostly caters to tourists or people on the go, then nearly all of your sales might come from mobile users.

Does a Mobile-First Web Design Make Sense?

This is really an extension of the first question, but it has to do with your sales and marketing funnel. In other words, beyond knowing who your customers are, ask yourself how they arrive at your website and what they expect to do when they get there.

For example, if your typical customer ends up calling your business or walking in through your front door, mobile conversions might be a big deal. Conversely, if they watch lots of videos or download intensive reports, then those features might not translate as well to a mobile-first platform.

In other words, everything is about your customer base and sales funnel. It’s about knowing what you’re trying to accomplish with your website and letting your business plans guide your choices rather than simply following the latest trends and buzzwords.

Making the Right Call on Mobile-First

It goes without saying that every business should have a mobile compatible website in 2018. However, when it comes to the question of whether mobile-first is a trend with lasting power, and whether or not it works for your business, it’s best to talk things through with a professional development team.

Why not contact us today to schedule a free consultation and put together an online strategy that works for your company?

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