4 Non-Obvious Reasons to Improve Your Website

Website designerIn the world of web design, we often assume a business owner meets with us because they are looking for more customers through channels like search engine optimization (SEO), social media promotion, or paid digital advertising. However, we sometimes meet with marketers who don’t necessarily want or need to get customers through these channels. Their businesses are doing just fine without online lead generation.

Does that mean those clients should pass on business web design? Or that you should, if you’re in the same shoes?

Absolutely not. For one thing, just because you don’t need internet leads doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be trying to attract them. Most companies could use more good customers, and there might be a time in the future when the added revenue from a successful online marketing campaign makes a big difference.

For another thing, getting a new or upgraded website isn’t just about bringing in fresh customers from Google and other online portals. So, to help you understand why let’s look at non-obvious reasons to do some work on your website even if you aren’t currently struggling to meet your sales goals.

#1 Your Website Plays a Role in Attracting Referrals

In our experience, most businesses that don’t need online marketing have a strong base of existing customers and referrals. That’s great, but where should someone look if they want to find out more about your company after getting a recommendation? Nine times out of ten it’s going to be your website. So even though you might not need your website to generate leads, it could play a valuable role in turning referrals into customers.

#2 With a Better Website You Can Get (and Display) Online Reviews

reputation management Along the same lines, having a well-optimized business website makes your company more visible on Google – and even in the search engine’s company listings. In addition, with the right profile in place, you can receive positive online reviews and show them to new potential customers or referrals (see above). In other words, your website can help you win customers that should have been coming to you anyway.

#3 Just Having a Better Website Can Increase Foot Traffic

Optimizing your business website for search is also a good way to tell Google about your physical location(s). That means you’ll show up in searches for terms like “web designer near me,” or whatever might be standard in your industry. You may not think of foot traffic to an office or retail location as being related to online marketing, but it certainly can be.

#4 Most Customers and Clients Expect You to Have One

This is a small but frequently overlooked detail. It is simply expected that any established and functioning business will have a professionally designed website and loads without errors in today’s world. However, when you don’t have that basic business credibility piece in place, it can look like a red flag to potential customers, vendors, or investors.

The Good News About Web Design

Regardless of your reason for needing a new business website or what you want it to do for your bottom line, we can help. The process of getting one is probably faster, less expensive, and filled with fewer hassles than you might think.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to show you what kind of work we can do for clients just like you!

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